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Goldilocks Showcase (2024)

About Goldilocks Showcase

The world of theatrical auditioning is brutal. It seems most of the time that the perfect candidate turns out just not quite right. With Goldilocks-esque judgment, the seemingly perfect candidate can be written off for being just a bit too tall, or a bit too short, a bit too big, a bit too thin, a little too old, and not quite old enough. Our next showcase celebrates those Not Quite Just RIght, those that have the skill and prowess to perform some powerhouse roles but for one reason or another don't fit just right. Featuring pieces from all over the Theatre Canon, including "Dogfight", "Big Fish", "Les Miserablés", and "The Music Man", among many, many more, join us on August 10th to see what is possible when we open our mind to what could be!


Masquerade Theatre’s New Works Series

Masquerade Theatre is dedicated to exploring the humanity beneath our masques by using theatre to enlighten, to celebrate our diversity as a vital part of our human experience and to inspire us to think, react and learn. New works by contemporary artists are essential to engaging audiences in a shared dialogue reflective of our own time. Masquerade’s New Works Series is committed to providing a platform for contemporary artists to present new and thought-provoking pieces that help us explore and understand our humanity.