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Class of 20XX Showcase (2024)

About Class of 20XX Showcase

As the thrill of summer winds down, what better way to get us all reacquainted with the joy of education than with our next Showcase? "Class of 20XX" is a not-so-educational showcase about life during schooling, showing off all the fun angsty-ness of teenagerdom and young adulthood (don't forget those college years!). Featuring pieces from all generations of education such as "Heathers", "Grease", "Be More Chill", and "Legally Blonde", this showcase is bound to earn an A+!


Masquerade Theatre’s New Works Series

Masquerade Theatre is dedicated to exploring the humanity beneath our masques by using theatre to enlighten, to celebrate our diversity as a vital part of our human experience and to inspire us to think, react and learn. New works by contemporary artists are essential to engaging audiences in a shared dialogue reflective of our own time. Masquerade’s New Works Series is committed to providing a platform for contemporary artists to present new and thought-provoking pieces that help us explore and understand our humanity.